

Out now! Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth

Out now! Toward Re-Entanglement: A Charter for the City and the Earth

Stiction: Exploring Energy and Materials in Stadtbad Luckenwalde

Stiction: Exploring Energy and Materials in Stadtbad Luckenwalde

Forderungspapier “Nachhaltiges Bauen und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung stärken”

Forderungspapier “Nachhaltiges Bauen und Lebenszyklusbetrachtung stärken”

ProtoSkills: Eine Summerschool rund um die Bauwende

ProtoSkills: Eine Summerschool rund um die Bauwende

CONQ: Launch of BE-FELLOW Project in Buenos Aires

CONQ: Launch of BE-FELLOW Project in Buenos Aires

Sommerliche Mitmachformate in der Schaustelle ProtoPotsdam

Sommerliche Mitmachformate in der Schaustelle ProtoPotsdam

Belinda Rukschcio Appointed Co-CEO of Bauhaus Earth

Belinda Rukschcio Appointed Co-CEO of Bauhaus Earth

Forschungscluster Holz und nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Forschungscluster Holz und nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Wand: A Participatory Art Exhibition by Olaf Holzapfel

Wand: A Participatory Art Exhibition by Olaf Holzapfel

ProtoPotsdam feiert Richtfest!

ProtoPotsdam feiert Richtfest!

Regenerativ Bauen! Veranstaltungsreihe zur Bauwende

Regenerativ Bauen! Veranstaltungsreihe zur Bauwende

Rural Resources Workshop: A Hands-on Exploration of Circular Building

Rural Resources Workshop: A Hands-on Exploration of Circular Building

Third BE-FELLOW Open Call is Now Accepting Applications!

Third BE-FELLOW Open Call is Now Accepting Applications!

Volksinitiative “Bauwende für Berlin – ökologisch und sozial”

Volksinitiative “Bauwende für Berlin – ökologisch und sozial”

Bericht – Moore: Potentiale für die Zukunft des Bauens

Bericht – Moore: Potentiale für die Zukunft des Bauens

Sommerstart auf der ProtoPotsdam Schaustelle

Sommerstart auf der ProtoPotsdam Schaustelle

The ReBuilt Exhibition: Exploring Nature-Based Construction in Bhutan

The ReBuilt Exhibition: Exploring Nature-Based Construction in Bhutan

Constructive Land Berlin/Brandenburg: Outcomes of the First Bauhaus Earth Fellowship

Constructive Land Berlin/Brandenburg: Outcomes of the First Bauhaus Earth Fellowship

Neue Europäische Bauhaus Akademie entwickelt Weiterbildungsangebote für die Bauwende

Neue Europäische Bauhaus Akademie entwickelt Weiterbildungsangebote für die Bauwende

Chrissie Muhr appointed as new Co-Managing Director of Experimental

Chrissie Muhr appointed as new Co-Managing Director of Experimental

ProtoSatellite: Saisoneröffnung der ProtoPotsdam Schaustelle

ProtoSatellite: Saisoneröffnung der ProtoPotsdam Schaustelle

Kickstarting a Regenerative Built Environment in Western Cape

Kickstarting a Regenerative Built Environment in Western Cape

See our exhibition piece at “Transform! Designing the Future of Energy”

See our exhibition piece at “Transform! Designing the Future of Energy”

Bauhaus Earth at UN Buildings and Climate Global Forum

Bauhaus Earth at UN Buildings and Climate Global Forum

See our Paludiculture Prototype at “Kreis Statt Krise“

See our Paludiculture Prototype at “Kreis Statt Krise“

Bauhaus Erde & Bündnis gegen Einführung des Paragrafen § 246e BauGB

Bauhaus Erde & Bündnis gegen Einführung des Paragrafen § 246e BauGB

Das Haus der Erde zu Gast bei Bauhaus Erde

Das Haus der Erde zu Gast bei Bauhaus Erde

Building for the Future Series 2: Regenerative Buildings

Building for the Future Series 2: Regenerative Buildings

Bauhaus Earth Awards Second of Two New Fellowships to Heidi Jalkh and Angie Dub

Bauhaus Earth Awards Second of Two New Fellowships to Heidi Jalkh and Angie Dub

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

Offener Brief an Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

Follow Bauhaus Earth at COP28

Follow Bauhaus Earth at COP28

Bauhaus Earth Awards One of Two Fellowships to Kevin Kimwelle

Bauhaus Earth Awards One of Two Fellowships to Kevin Kimwelle

Annual ReBuilt Workshop: A Global Network for Regenerative Building

Annual ReBuilt Workshop: A Global Network for Regenerative Building

Die Zukunft Baut Zirkulär: Der neue Film über ProtoPotsdam

Die Zukunft Baut Zirkulär: Der neue Film über ProtoPotsdam

Connective Cities Dialogue Event: Global Collaboration for a Climate-Positive Built Environment

Connective Cities Dialogue Event: Global Collaboration for a Climate-Positive Built Environment

The Fragment: Paludiculture Prototype at The Great Repair

The Fragment: Paludiculture Prototype at The Great Repair

Die Holzbauinitiative der Bundesregierung: Klimagerechtes Bauen im Fokus

Die Holzbauinitiative der Bundesregierung: Klimagerechtes Bauen im Fokus

Bauhaus Erde und toMOORow vereinen Kräfte für den Schutz der Moore

Bauhaus Erde und toMOORow vereinen Kräfte für den Schutz der Moore

Die Zukunft des Bauens liegt im Baustellenabfall

Die Zukunft des Bauens liegt im Baustellenabfall

Report – Wetlands and Construction: An Opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg

Report – Wetlands and Construction: An Opportunity for Berlin-Brandenburg

Bauhaus Earth at New York Climate Week

Bauhaus Earth at New York Climate Week

ARCH+ Salon: Building with Nature

ARCH+ Salon: Building with Nature

Building for the Future – A Knowledge Product Collection

Building for the Future – A Knowledge Product Collection

Bauhaus Earth Fellowship Program – Applications Now Open!

Bauhaus Earth Fellowship Program – Applications Now Open!

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Appointed Director General of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Appointed Director General of International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Bauhaus Earth Awards Fellowship to Baukreisel for Deconstruction and Re-Use Case Study

Bauhaus Earth Awards Fellowship to Baukreisel for Deconstruction and Re-Use Case Study

Bauhaus Earth Book Out Now “Reconstructing the Future: Cities as Carbon Sinks”

Bauhaus Earth Book Out Now “Reconstructing the Future: Cities as Carbon Sinks”

Bauhaus Earth at Building Green Hamburg 2023

Bauhaus Earth at Building Green Hamburg 2023

Join us for our Book Breakfast at the Biennale Architettura 2023!

Join us for our Book Breakfast at the Biennale Architettura 2023!

Bauhaus Earth at G7 Agriculture Minister’s Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan

Bauhaus Earth at G7 Agriculture Minister’s Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan

alpha mission delos

alpha mission delos

Bauhaus Earth Names Material Cultures First BE-FELLOW

Bauhaus Earth Names Material Cultures First BE-FELLOW

be-fellow open call announcement

be-fellow open call announcement

open positions

open positions

join our webinar

join our webinar

new job opportunities

new job opportunities

factsheet compendium: transforming the built environment

factsheet compendium: transforming the built environment

into the woods summit

into the woods summit

bauhaus earth protopotsdam in the press

bauhaus earth protopotsdam in the press

rbb covers protopotsdam

rbb covers protopotsdam

two ministries announce funding for bauhaus earth

two ministries announce funding for bauhaus earth

bauhaus earth newsletter

bauhaus earth newsletter

schellnhuber at gea in japan

schellnhuber at gea in japan

2022 global abc report for buildings und construction

2022 global abc report for buildings und construction

bauhaus earth at cop 27

bauhaus earth at cop 27

“mass is more” in the press 02

“mass is more” in the press 02

schellnhuber’s keynote at heinze klimafestival

schellnhuber’s keynote at heinze klimafestival

Barcelona Protocol: European Action Call Presented in Barcelona

Barcelona Protocol: European Action Call Presented in Barcelona

“mass is more” in the press

“mass is more” in the press

THFx Event with Bauhaus Earth

THFx Event with Bauhaus Earth

Join As at the EFI Conference

Join As at the EFI Conference

four open positions at bauhaus earth

four open positions at bauhaus earth

“Mass is More” Opening in Barcelona

“Mass is More” Opening in Barcelona

Join Bauhaus Earth at SBE Conference

Join Bauhaus Earth at SBE Conference

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Speaks at G7 Meeting in Potsdam

Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Speaks at G7 Meeting in Potsdam

bauhaus earth profile in architektur.aktuell

bauhaus earth profile in architektur.aktuell

riba-interview with hans joachim schellnhuber

riba-interview with hans joachim schellnhuber

Schellnhuber on Forests for Regenerative Building in

Schellnhuber on Forests for Regenerative Building in

Inspiring Evening at the Rechenzentrum Potsdam

Inspiring Evening at the Rechenzentrum Potsdam

new essay: the strength of the global network

new essay: the strength of the global network

exhibition opening: infrastructures  in transformation

exhibition opening: infrastructures in transformation

announcement of cooperation with kis potsdam

announcement of cooperation with kis potsdam

interview with hans joachim schellnhuber

interview with hans joachim schellnhuber

system restoration for people and planet: bauhaus earth’s f20 editorial

system restoration for people and planet: bauhaus earth’s f20 editorial

kick-off event for the potsdam demonstrator

kick-off event for the potsdam demonstrator

Interview with Philipp Misselwitz in Bauwelt

Interview with Philipp Misselwitz in Bauwelt

press coverage of the re-constructing the future conference

press coverage of the re-constructing the future conference

watch the reconstructing the future conference online

watch the reconstructing the future conference online

charter launch

charter launch

bauhaus earth at built4people forum

bauhaus earth at built4people forum

join us in rome

join us in rome

Philipp Misselwitz Opening Bauwelt Kongress

Philipp Misselwitz Opening Bauwelt Kongress

hans joachim schellnhuber in mdr interview

hans joachim schellnhuber in mdr interview

Pressekit: Neue Europäische Bauhaus Akademie entwickelt Weiterbildungsangebote für die Bauwende

Pressekit: Neue Europäische Bauhaus Akademie entwickelt Weiterbildungsangebote für die Bauwende