
See our Paludiculture Prototype at “Kreis Statt Krise“

bauhaus earth

After a successful first exhibition in the ARCH+ show The Great Repair, our paludiculture “Fragment” is now being shown in two separate locations! One half can be seen in Berlin at the exhibition Kreis statt Krise (“Cycle instead of Crisis”) by Cradle to Cradle NGO.

About the exhibition

The new show by Cradle to Cradle NGO provides an interactive look into the circular materials of the future. Visitors will learn about and explore how materials, from textiles to building materials, can be designed and manufactured to benefit people and the environment, and never be wasted. The goal is not only to educate, but also to invite visitors to participate in envisioning a regenerative future.

“Kreis statt Krise” will run from 1 March to 4 July 2024 at Freiraum in der Box in Friedrichshain. It is free to visit on Thursdays and Fridays from 11am to 6pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 4pm. Information is available in German and English. Full details, including programmes for educators and children, are available on the exhibition website.

A photograph of the fragment at the exhibition.

About the Fragment

The Paludiculture Fragment was developed as a result of our Bauhaus Earth Fellowship (BE-FELLOW) collaboration with Material Cultures. The UK-based group specialises in the research and promotion of bio-based materials in the built environment. Their BE-FELLOW project “Constructive Land Berlin/Brandenburg” included the output of a report on the potential of building materials from rewetted peatlands as well as the paludiculture prototype.

By tangibly demonstrating the use of carbon-negative materials cultivated on rewetted peatlands, the Fragment aims to promote peatland carbon capture and a regional, bio-based building industry. In the C2C exhibition, visitors can see the Fragment up close and learn more about the process and materials behind its making.

Our partnership with Material Cultures continues to evolve beyond the fellowship. The BE-FELLOW program is a collaboration with Experimental.