
Building for the Future – A Knowledge Product Collection

bauhaus earth

Bauhaus Earth is collaborating with the Toni Piëch Foundation to develop the multi-series Knowledge Product Collection ‘Building for the Future’. Developed as a modular system, the Collection will provide visually appealing and easily digestible information to introduce people to the idea of a regenerative built environment. It will provide an overview of key developments, concepts, and possible courses of action. The Toni Piëch Foundation is supporting the production of the first two series. 

The first Series “Setting the Frame” highlights critical facts and figures about the built environment as a major contributor to the climate crisis. It also highlights the vision of a regenerative built environment and presents practical ideas and approaches. The second series “Regenerative Buildings” will focus specifically on the scale of regenerative buildings, emphasizing the use of bio-based materials and how to extend the life cycle of building materials and components.

The first series will soon be published and made available on all our channels! If you are interested in upcoming series or would like to host an event or webinar on “Building for the Future”, please contact us at contact(at)